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Criminal Investigation (CID)

The Criminal Investigations Division of the Marshall County Sheriff's Office works closely with the Patrol Division. In the majority of cases, Patrol makes the initial contact with the victim of a crime. The patrol deputy determines the validity and degree of the offense, creates a written report, and forwards the felonies to the Criminal Investigations Division, where case assignment is made for follow up by an investigator.

The Criminal Investigations Division is led by Chief Investigator Roger Sparks, who is responsible for assigning, managing, and assisting with cases assigned to investigators under the division. Investigators are assigned a wide range of cases that include homicide, assault, sexual abuse, robbery, burglary, theft and missing persons. Sex crimes would include domestic violence, missing juveniles, sexual assault, and other crimes of a sexual nature.

The members of the Criminal Investigations Division are made up of a group of highly trained and dedicated investigators working to make Marshall County a better and safer community for us all.